CSA Releases Business Plan

The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) released the CSA Business Plan 2019-2022 (the Business Plan) which sets out the priorities of the CSA members over the next three year period.

The following sections of the Business Plan outline key CSA priorities and implementation initiatives for the period from 2019 to 2022:

Enhanced Investor Protection

In pursuit of their investor protection mandate, the CSA members have identified three strategic goals under this area:

  • Enhancing the advisor-client relationship and the registrant conduct rules

  • Developing targeted demographic programs and expanding public outreach to educate investors about the risks and responsibilities of investing

  • Strengthening enforcement and deterrence effectiveness through increased collaboration, information sharing and innovation among CSA members

Fair and Efficient Markets

The CSA will continue to identify and assess market developments and determine the need for regulatory responses to promote investor confidence and maintain fairness and stability in the financial markets. The strategic goals under this area include:

  • The promotion of financial stability and reduction of systemic risk through effective market oversight

  • Enhancement of fairness and equal access to capital markets for all participants

  • Continued response to evolving and novel products like block-chain related emerging trends.

Streamline Regulation

The CSA will increase its focus on the streamlining of regulation by undertaking a wide range of initiatives that will aim at reducing the regulatory burden without compromising investor protection or the efficiency of the capital markets. As capital markets evolve, the CSA recognizes that their approach to regulation needs to reflect the realities of Canadian market participants to remain competitive.

Enhanced Performance through Information Technology and Data Strategy

The CSA seeks to enhance performance by investing in people and technologies and have identified two strategic goals aimed at the development of improved tools in support of its mandate and mission:

  • Enhanced information technology capacity and understanding of technological emerging trends

  • The development of a common data strategy to support effective regulation

Other CSA Projects and Initiatives

The CSA also remains committed to other regulatory projects and ongoing initiatives dealing with the improvement of its internal processes and the maintenance of an efficient and seamless interface/relationship among all Canadian securities regulators. The CSA will continue to monitor international developments in areas falling under its mandate and determine the appropriateness of commencing any additional initiatives.

Click here to view the Business Plan.

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