Farzad Forooghian Appointed to BCSC Corporate Finance Stakeholder Forum

Farzad Forooghian has been selected as a member of the Corporate Finance Stakeholder Forum (the Forum) launched by the British Columbia Securities Commission (the BCSC) for a term of three years commencing on May 1, 2023.

The Forum advises the BCSC on policy initiatives, capital market trends, and other emerging issues affecting issuers. The Forum also helps to keep staff up-to-date on market participant views, current business practices and emerging trends.

The 25 members comprising the Forum are a diverse group representing all areas of the BC securities market, including issuer executives, investors and investor advocates, underwriters, lawyers, accountants, academics, and other securities market participants and stakeholders. Forum members are from diverse backgrounds and combined have significant experience in all aspects of the BC capital markets.